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Jute & Sisal ak kòd chanv

JUTE ROPES: Jute is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fibre that can be spun into coarse, strong threads._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Jute is one of the most economical natural fibers and ranks second only to cotton_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_nan kantite lajan ki pwodui ak varyete de itilizasyon fib legim. Jute ropes are composed primarily of the plant materials_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_cellulose and lignin. Jute fiber is 100% bio-degradable and recyclable and thus environmentally friendly._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Li gen gwo fòs rupture, low extensibility. Advantages of jute include good insulating and antistatic properties, as well as having low thermal conductivity and a moderate_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_moisture reprann. Lòt avantaj ki genyen nan jut enkli izolasyon acoustic properties ak fabrike ak non iritasyon po. Jute can be blended with other fibers, synthetic as well as natural, and accepts cellulosic dyes_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_such as natural, basic, vat, sulfur,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_reactive, ak pigman koloran. Pou egzanp,  treating jute with caustic soda, crimp, tendres, pliability, ak aparans amelyore. Sa a amelyore kapasite li yo dwe file ak lenn mouton. Liquid ammonia has a similar effect on jute, as well as the added characteristic of improving flame resistance when treated with flameproofing_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_agents. Some disadvantages nan jut gen ladan pòv drapability ak pli rezistans, brittleness, fib koule, ak jòn anba bb381905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_brittleness Sepandan, pweparasyon de tissus with castor oil lubricants_cc781905-5cde-3195-5cde-3194-bd5cf58d_castor oil lubricants_cc781905-5cde-3195-5cde-3195-bd5cf58d_castor oil lubricants_cc781905-5cde-3195 The strength of Jute decreases when wet, and it also becomes subject to microbial attack under_cc781905-5cde-3194- kondisyon bb3b-136bad5cf58d_humid. Jute ka trete ak an enzyme pou diminye kèk nan frajil li yo ak rèd. Yon fwa trete ak yon anzim, jut montre yon afinite fasil aksepte koloran natirèl. Dyeing reactive tou travay byen sou Jute. Reactive dyeing process yo itilize pou pwodwi divèsifye ki gen koulè klere ak vit ki fèt ak jute.

KÒD SISAL: Sisal se yon espès Agave and lajman kiltive ak natiralize nan anpil_cc781905-5cde-3194-3194-bb3cfb-countries. Li bay yon stiff fib itilize nan fè divès kalite pwodwi tankou kòd sisal. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_chanv te yon gwo sous pou fib, ak lòt sous fib yo te rele apre li. Fib sisal yo te tradisyonèlman itilize pou kòd and fil. Bon siye sisal enpòtan paske bon jan kalite fib depann lajman sou kontni imidite. Yo te jwenn siye atifisyèl ki lakòz jeneralman pi bon klas fib konpare ak sun siye, sepandan it is pa toujou pwodwi nan peyi devlope yo. 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Fibre imedyatman netwaye pa bwose. Fib sèk yo machin penyen ak klase nan divès klas, ki baze sitou sou separasyon anvan nan jaden fèy nan gwoup gwosè._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58Tradisyonèlman, sisal te materyèl chwa pou fid agrikòl paske fòs li, durability, rezistans, deteryorasyon, deteryorasyon sèten nan dlo a ak deteryorasyon sèten. Sepandan tradisyonèl use li yo ap diminye ak konpetisyon nan polypropylène. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Sisal te itilize kòm yon ajan ranfòsman zanmitay anviwònman an pou ranplase amyant ak vèr nan materyèl konpoze nan plizyè itilizasyon tankou the otomobil endistri._the automobile industry. fibres are used nan endistri kòd pou fè kòd ak twine. Kòd ak fil sisal yo lajman itilize pou itilizasyon maren, agrikòl, ak jeneral endistriyèl. 

HEMP ROPES: Industrial hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that se grandi espesyalman pou itilizasyon endistriyèl nan pwodwi sòti li yo. Hemp is one of the fastest growing plants and was one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 10 ,000 ane de sa. Hemp kapab rafine nan yon varyete atik komèsyal ki gen ladan papye, textiles, rad, plastik biodégradables, penti, izolasyon, biofuel, izolasyon. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_A mixture of fiberglass, hemp fiber, kenaf, and flax has been used_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_to make composite panels for automobiles. Hemp ropes were used in the age of sailing ships, though the rope had to be pwoteje pa tarring, depi kòd chanv gen yon vilnerabilite pou kraze soti nan_cc781905-5cde-bd581905-5cde-bd581905-5cde-bd581905-5cde-bd581905-5cde-bd581905-5cd de-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pou kenbe likid nan enteryè a, pandan y ap sanble sèk soti nan deyò a. Kòd chanv te sitou ranplase pa_cc781905-5cde-bb35cf-3194-5cde-bb35-3194_man. Manila pafwa refere tou kòm Manila chanv, men li pa gen rapò ak chanv; li se abacá, yon espès banana.

Tanpri telechaje bwochi nou yo pou jut, sisal, chanv ak lòt kòd natirèl nan lyen ki make yo:

- Tradisyonèl-kòd-Manila-Polyhemp-Sisal-koton

PRI: Depann sou modèl ak kantite lòd

Depi nou pote yon gran varyete jut, sisal ak chanv ropes ak diferan dimansyon, espesifikasyon ak aplikasyon; li enposib pou lis yo tout isit la. Nou ankouraje w voye imèl oswa rele nou pou nou ka detèmine ki pwodwi ki pi bon pou ou. Lè w ap kontakte nou, tanpri asire w ke ou enfòme nou sou:

- Aplikasyon pou the ropes


- Material needed


- Dimansyon


- Fini


- Kondisyon anbalaj


- Kondisyon pou etikèt


- Kantite



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